March Creative Cocktail Hour at Real Art Ways

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March Creative Cocktail Hour


Every third Thursday of the Month, creative, interesting and open-minded people gather to experience all kinds of art and connect with one another.

Music by Turning Jewels Into Water, an electronic duo.

Live dance accompaniment by Flex Dancer Ivvy.

Tree Spa for Urban Forest Healing. Artist Colin McMullan has been collecting tree sap from Keney Park for the past two seasons. He’ll be boiling down that sap to produce maple syrup. Steam from the maple syrup production will be piped into a mobile Steam Spa, open for tours and half-hour spa sessions.

Tree SpaSix Exhibitions
Gil Scullion: Empty Spaces: Home Bodies – Opening, meet the artist
Liona Nyariri: Pfimbi Yemashoko (the place where the words are kept) Real Art Awards Recipient 2018 – Opening, meet the artist
Niki Kriese: Chewing the Scenery – Real Art Awards Recipient 2018
Barbara Hocker: Downstream
Real Wall: Angelica Hilliman Cotto: Forever Bound
Video Gallery: Colin McMullan: Experimental Research On The Nonexistence of Borders

CCH ActivitiesBlue Earth Compost – introducing their new food scrap collection compost!

Plus – Hands-On Creative Activities – led by Lauren Perrault