
David Borawski: Sell Me Down the River
From the artist:
“Sell Me Down the River consists of three recent video works: Endless War (2010); Governmentally (2013) and Double Down, just completed and premiering for this exhibition . Screened together all three speak to the idea of being trapped, with imagery of confinement and disorientation. The term “sell me down the river,” which in this case is taken from the Stone Temple Pilots song of the same name, refers to betrayal and deception. These works were instigated by our current political landscape, which has fostered hatred and fear in the service of oppression. Ongoing corporate assault on our democracy peels away at our freedoms within a maze of bureaucratic sleight of hand, betraying and deceiving the population.”
About the artist
David Borawski lives and works in Hartford, Connecticut, and has exhibited his work in galleries and museums in the United States and abroad. He received his BFA from the Hartford Art School of the University of Hartford. A multi-media installation artist, his work is conceptually driven, drawing from personal experiences and reflecting upon pop culture, radical movements and art history. Each installation combines multiple elements, i.e. sculpture, video, digital images, painting, to present visual and mental signs, “clues” that evoke sub/conscious nostalgia as a means to provoke layers of possibilities. The focus is on iconic societal events that have influenced major shifts in our collective consciousness, suggesting connections while exposing them as uncanny precursors to present-day realities.