Instrument Portrait Series: HARP - The Secret Trio
RAW presents a series of concerts that examine the harp and its different manifestations both structurally and musically. Each concert features a performance and discussion revolving around the harpist’s craft and the intricacies of their instrument.
The Secret Trio
“…mesmerizing” – Village Voice
The Secret Trio is an instrumental group consisting of Ismail Lumanovski (clarinet), Tamer Pinarbasi (kanun), and Ara Dinkjian (oud). In 2010, these three New York-based musicians, each busy with numerous projects, felt the desire to play music which would satisfy their own creative and emotional needs. They began to meet at Dinkjian’s home where they developed a group philosophy and sound.
This philosophy begins with a mutual respect and admiration. Ismail, Tamer, and Ara individually have extensive education in both eastern and western music and have performed throughout the world. Each is a composer. Music, one of humanity’s most precious gifts, has united their cultural diversity (Ara is Armenian, Tamer is Turkish, and Ismail is Macedonian).
The group blends Middle Eastern and western musical traditions in original and folk compositions.