Songs of Earth at Real Art Ways

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Songs of Earth

“…tough to categorize as anything other than poetry, though there are elements of nature photography and personal narrative woven throughout.” – NYT

“A delicate film, one that frequently feels like it benefits more from being experienced than analyzed or interrogated.” – Hollywood Reporter

“A remarkable, poetic meditation, Songs of Earth weaves the smallness of human lifespan into the grandness of the earth’s history, and does it all with unspeakable beauty.” – Vox


Together with Olin’s 85-year-old father, experience Norway’s most adventurous valley, Oldedalen in Nordfjord. This is where he grew up, and where generations before him have lived in balance with nature, surrounded by wild mountains, calving glaciers, and teeming wildlife.

(In Norwegian with English subtitles)

100% on Rotten Tomatoes